Friday, 16 December 2011

  1. front cover
  2. title page
  3. ethics clause
  4. contents
  5. introduction - 317 words - DONE
  6. Introducing Unilever - 308 words DONE
  7. methodology DONE 300 words
  9. Who is our consumer? - Introduce the consumers we researched DONE 206 words
  10. the quantified selfer -  DONE 300 words
  11. the worried well - 300 word
  12. and finally THE DOVE CONSUMER.. why did we choose them?  - DONE 286words
  13. include information on the intuitive campaign and self esteem fund. - starting to introduce more male products - lifestyle/ wellbeing
  15. BRAND VALUES AND LEVI MODEL - how did these help us? DONE 300 words
  16. SECONDARY RESEARCH - looking at other products and why we didn't like them? and what we decided the Dove consumer would care most about to be measured and why? Deciding what the product will measure. 500 words
  17. SECONDARY RESEARCH - deciding what the product will look like. what aesthetic we were going for and why. Talk about being unobtrusive etc - 500 words
  18. INTRODUCING GLO AS A BRAND - what is our ethos? And our USP. "We're not just about health we're about wellbeing- DONE - 211 words
  19. OUR PRODUCT - The look. What it does and why. (it is a measure of happiness and well being, not something to help you diet. etc - 400 words
  20. THE DATA - How it tell us about our activity/inactivity. facebook,DONE apps,DONE(943 WORDS incl infographics) 
  21. WEBSITE etc - 800 words
  22. THE CONCEPT - what is our tone of voice to the consumer? How do we want them to view the product? What is our call to action? Strapline 'Beautifully moving'. How did primary research help us here? eg. videos - 400 words
  23. THE CAMPAIGN - the reasoning behind beautifully moving. How we will put this across to our audience? How this interacts with the Dove consumer? How we will target them. Using emotion to draw in the viewer - 500 words
  24. MARKETING - ambient/ flashmobs. Advertising. Teaser ads. Why? 500 words DONE 435 words
  25. THE TIMELINE! - how and when will each part be released
  26. WHERE WILL IT BE SOLD?  DONE - 214 words
  27. HOW WILL IT BE PACKAGED? 200 words
  28. SECONDARY RESEARCH - projects not campaigns - what does this tell us? how have we learnt? 400 words
  29. LONGEVITY - incentives - DONE 110 words SO FAR
  30. CONCLUSION - have you addressed your aims and objectives? how? Summarise your discussion. Think about the measurement of success. Agile marketing. 300 words?
All together this is 8950 words which isn't enough but im sure we will find them somewhere and I reckon ive missed a couple things on here so not to worry.

Remember in our report we need to take our reader on a journey... make them believe they are part of something.

Anna xx


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  2. Hey sorry i hadnt seen this page with the rest,i would of added to it as i went along if i was such a clutz with blogs! the list is great anna! thanks for doing it, Wasnt sure about just editing the post so i haven't, but can tick off: the quantified selfer, timeline, brand values and levis model, 4p's marketing (already got all the marketing models and maps too) and dove as a brand x Sarah x
