Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Hate this but it'll have to do:

Powerpoint presentation


Hello and welcome to our presentation on the 'Glo Band'. Today we hope to encourage you to be 'Beautifully moving'


The way that we want to differentiate ourselves from the many other products on the market is through our USP.
'We're not just about health, we're about well-being.'
In this way we will be focusing our product on the improvement of lifestyle, well-being and happiness, rather than associating it with dietry needs and direct excercise.

We decided to target the Dove consumer and develop Glo as a sub brand of Dove as we believe their attitudes reflect our own brand values.


In order to gain insight into consumer needs and attitudes we used primary research.
Methods we used were :-
Observational interviews, questionnaires, videos, streetstyle pictures and an Alert Experiment in which we tested what it was like to be alerted by noise.


We found that asking questions enabled us to understand what consumers would want from the product and how this would affect design and functionality.


It also enabled us to create pen profiles which we thought reflected our target consumer.

here are 3 pen profiles. They are all very personal and varied. We didn't want to target a niche consumer, we wanted to reflect and target a whole range of ages and both males and females, the ageless consumer, targeted by Dove as inactivity should be an issue to everyone.


We covered a whole range of seconday research to fully understand our consumer and how we wanted our product to develop.

Examples being :-
read from slide


We researched data visualisation. It helped us think of and design our own data creatively and effectively. We thought that the use of colour and shapes could be very pleasing to the eye of the consumer and interesting to look at.

We then went on to look at current technological innovation and wristband design for inspiration. Here are some images of bands we thought were suitable for a unisex product.

To further understand the dove consumer we looked at some of Doves existing imagery and the use of creative copy.

For the Dove woman, lifestyle and wellbeing is very important. If she feels happy on the inside she knows that this will be reflected on the outside.

For the Dove man, performing the best he can in life holds great importance. He wants to feel good and look good.

We will focus our product on -

Male and Female (Age 25+)
Male – focus on daily performance
Female – focus on self esteem


Side 9 – Dove as a brand
We selected Dove as a brand and have targeted the Dove consumer because we believe their attitudes reflect our brand values. The essence of the evolutionary brand being genuine and committed, distinguishes Dove as a unified brand with an established presence. Ensuring the innovative product is launched successfully into a new market, by being part of a reputable and trustworthy brand. With consideration towards the price point the Glo band being associated with Dove gives both established and potential consumers promise and positivity towards the product and concept.


‘glo’ is a band which provides men and women who recognise that beauty isn’t purely an aesthetic (the Dove consumer) with an alternative way to keep themselves happily active in a subtle and motivational way.
The band should inspire the wearer to ‘move’ – what is it that moves them? From something as simple as walking to collect their kids, to reminisingly dancing to their old favourite song, ‘glo’ ensures that people identify a positive correlation between happiness and activity.
‘Beautifully Moving’ is the tagline that runs throughout the product, brand and functional ethos; a subtle nudge which gives the consumer a positive connection between movement and feeling beautiful.
The men's product (although sold in the same way) identifies the need to perform; allowing the male consumer to feel like they can achieve goals, which in turn satisfies their own personal ego - the band encourages them to be the best they can be.


We wanted to keep the smartphone app really simple and quick to use, integrating it into the users lifestyle as naturally and effectively as possible. The app features simple colours and symbols and asks just three questions:
How happy are you?  
Where are you?  (home, work, out)
And What are you doing?
This information is then correlated with the more scientific data from the Glo band to create visually stimulating and interesting data displayed on the website and facebook page.  


We will use facebook as the main channel for social media marketing, A brand page will be created to give non-users  more information about our product whilst existing users can also view their data, downloaded to the app from the website and view other peoples data, locally, in the UK and possibly even worldwide.
We have also created a tamagochi style game as a more light hearted way for the user to view their progress and activity. The Glo worms health happiness and activity corresponds with your own and so if you have been particularly unhappy or inactive that day, so will your glo worm. You must remain healthy, active and happy to keep your worms healthy glow.


We have included an incentives programme in our concept,  a points system awarding the user for example four points for every hour of activity recorded by the band.
An incentives page will be included on the website, The Glo Zone. This page will include one dominant monthly offer and smaller, more permanent offers underneath which the user can claim using their earned points, for example discount cinema tickets, discounts on Dove products, at restaurants etc.   
The incentives programme will offer further encouragement for the user to become more active and continue to use the band for a more tangible reward and prevent them from losing interest.


We want to tell our consumer's story, put across what moves them and what defines them. We want to make them feel connected to our product, linking it with sentimentality and emotions and most of all encourage them that the key to a good lifestyle and to feeling happy is through activity.

Our adverts will put this across by targetting issues of self-esteem, lifestyle and well-being.
We want each advertisement to describe a person, using each of these phrases as a tagline -

I am expressive,
I am diversity,
I am vitality,
I am celebration,

and ending them all with the overall theme -
I am the little things,
I am beautifully moving
We want to visualise people doing all of these things in a creative way. Taking inspiration from the recent Nokia Lumia advertisement.. (show video)

 We want to create a buzz around our campaign, introducing these teaser ads gradually and creating a virul buzz through the execution of original flashmobs.



The marketing campaign will be launched in the UK through a range of advertising strategies in order to create hype about Glo as  a product, this will be achieved by appealing to the synchronised consumer touch points. The promotional plan which is in place will reflect the scale of marketing synonymous to Dove.
Involving both above the line involving the smartphone application itself.  Television advertisements and features, billboard campaigns, print advertisements, through product placement inserts, physcological, beauty, heath and technology focused monthly magazines.  Alongside this there will be online promotion via the Dove website and the parallel Glo website.  Which will both run as an ecommerce websites, alongside the evident stockists.
Below the line marketing will include Word of mouth prompted by social media contribution including the Facebook page. Glo Zone as an incentives website will target consumers directly and in a personal manner. Ambient marketing which will illustrate the brands beautifully moving concept.

*Talk about flash mob-live band on bus idea here*





Campaign moodboard-TV campaign

Charlotte x

Glo Zone-Incentives page

Charlotte x

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Product on the Dove website

Here's how the Dove website might look - added glo to the top toolbar, side page and feature screen.

What d'you think?

To do List

3. Press Release/Press Pack

4.Get our primary research videos together (if possible)

5. Key Findings board

Then when we've done decide who's doing what in the report. Wooo!

Charlotte x

Key Findings A2 Board

Were thinking that the structure of this board should go something like this:

-Key findigs we discovered from our research

How this ld to our decisions on:

-The Dove Consumer
-Consumer Insights
-Example Pen Profiles

-The band
-The app
-The website
-The packaging

-The strapline
-Campaign (print, outdoor, ambient, online)
-Press release?

Can anyonethink of anything else we eed to include/
Charlotte x

A2 Board

Each team must produce an A2 portrait board of their key findings for the project.  This should summarise the main points of your project and contain images.  Consider the various levels of impact i.e. immediate and under close scrutiny.  Consider hierarchy of text and overall readability. This work must be mounted on white foamboard

Web Design

So if this is the page you come to when you type in the website:

Then I thought this is what it could look like when you press GO:

As you hover over the icons it moves around, so that the one you want is the biggest in the centre (eg: where the 'profile' icon currently is).
Thought it would be best to keep it simple, although tell me if you visualised it differently.


Gamification-Interacting wih our data as a game.

We were thinking of just having a really simple tamagochi style game but using a Glo worm.

The game will use the results from your Glo band and app in order o distinguish how healthy you glo wom is (the worm is effective you).

-It will monitor how active you have been on he bottom scale of 1-9 ( your worm will behave either actively or inactively as a result, skipping, jumping or sleeping/ lounging)
-How happy you are an show different smiley faces (your worm will also look happy/sad/bored etc)
-How healthy you are as a result of these two factors (your worm will have a healthy glow if you are healthy)

If you are really inactive, your worm will become very ill, you can only make him better by becoming more active (e.g. running up and down stairs or going for a walk).

Charlotte x

Unilever website - DOVE PR

Our commitment to delivering real results is mirrored in our advertisements. Our current campaign has been featured on over 25 major TV channels and in more than 800 articles in opinion leading newspapers from El Pais to Le Parisien, from The Sun to The Times, as well as in popular women's magazines. Our ground-breaking campaign for our new Dove Firming lotion.

Sarah x

Facebook Page and app

Similiar design to Dove entry page, incorporating Glo Logo and strap line.
Links to(pages down side):
-Glo (information abou bracelet ad app etc)
-You (Your personal visualised data and game/avatar showing progres?)
-Youtube (links t youtub campaign videos)
-Others (Comparing your results to others, loca results, similiar age groups, all annonymous)

You Page:
-Will show all of the data collcted via the band, facebook and smartphone app. (facebook will ask questons regularly vis the app)
-A video could b used (similiar to museum of me) to show th data i a more interesting way.

The Others Page.

Charlotte x

(Fairytale) Brand for life model

Sarah x

DOVE - Levi Model

Sarah x

Monday, 28 November 2011

Diagram: How it works

Does this make sense to you guys?


just an idea of image

anna x

Brand Personality

Click to read a blogpost about men as a consumer of the brand.

Click to read a blog post about Dove launching their men's range.

Posts are obviously opinion and not fact, but still interesting to see an alternative insight. 

Data Visualisation

Product Visualisation2

Lois x

Product Visualisation

Lois, x

Heather 28

Sarah x



denise 50 pen profile

Anna x

john 53 - pen profile

Anna x


The Band will measure:
-Time of Day
-Air Temp
-Movement-high heart rate
-Sedetery Behaviour-stable heart rate
-Body Temp

The  App (emails or texts) will ask questions to measure:
-Where the user is (home, work, out)
-What the user is doing
-How Happy the User is Feeling on a scale

Data Recorded to be displayed on the web page, Facebook app and possibly phone app:

1. Where are you happiest?
-correlates mood with location

2. What is your favourite activity?
-correlates mood with activity

3. When are you feeling your best?
-mood correlated with time of day

4. Are you happier on a certain day?
-Mood correlated with date (day)

5. Does the weather affect how your feeling?
-Air Temp correlated with mood

6. Do you feel better the more that you move?
-heart rate correlated with mood

7. Can being inactive make you feel worse?
-Low heart rate correlated with mood

8. Are you happier when your warmer?
-Body Temp correlated with mood

The data will be visualised in an interesting way, combined with a game-style app (e.g. Growing garden) to show the user their progress and give them an insight into their lifestyle and mood. Personalised tips will be generated from their data suggesting other ways to improve their mood, health and level of activity (A "you may also like" kind of thing).


consumer profile imagery

consumer touchpoints map

Sarah x

Timeline - Communication strategy

sarah x

Nathan Shackcloth -Age 25

What are your favourite sports? FOOTBALL TENNIS SKINGIf
you don’t do any sports what sport would you love to do? N/A
What do you dislike about your lifestyle? JOB
What are your worst habits? NOT BEING TIDY
If you could be anyone for a day who would you be? STEVE ANGELLO
What or who is it that makes your day run that little bit smoother? MY GIRLFRIEND
What book are you currently reading? AN IDIOT ABROAD
What is it that makes you relaxed? SWIMMING
What calms you down? SLEEPING
What music do you listen to whilst
- working out? DANCE MUSIC
- Relaxing? INDIE
What moves you? LOOKING GOOD

13. What kinds of information about yourself do you keep tabs on? eg. diabetes/ weight/ finances/ healthy eating WEIGHT FINANCE HEALTHY EATING
See more

Female- 50 years

1. Do you have any daily health or beauty regimes? Go through phases of doing daily yoga. Moisturise skin every day and brush teeth twice a day.

Do you use any Dove Products?
Yes, sometimes use Dove deodorant.

2. Do you feel that keeping healthy is a concern or maybe an interest for you and your generation?
It’s difficult to generalise on that. I try to keep healthy, but lots of people want to be healthy without putting any effort it – that covers lots of generations.

If so how do you monitor your health and activity?
I weigh myself and check breasts for lumps periodically. Sometimes I wear a pedometer to see how many steps I’ve walked. I grow vegetables and try to cook food that is healthy for all the family.

3. Would you be more likely to incorporate a health regime into your routine if there was some kind of incentive?
I don’t think that I need an incentive, I’ve always been slim and try to keep it that way. I can understand that other people would feel the need for rewards.

What do you think the incentive should be?
I think a lot of people see treats (cakes, sweets, chips) or alcohol as a reward..

4. If there were a wearable device which would naturally help you in the right direction towards activity, would you be interested and likely to invest? We were considering a price of around £30-40 included in a Dove gift set.

Why do you think that having this device would help you to be more active?
I like the idea. I’ve enjoyed using a pedometer before – It can be fun to check up on yourself and it’s interesting to find out what you’ve been doing all day.
5. please see attached a visual idea for the product (white for females, black for males)
How do you feel about the visual aesthetics of the product?
I think it looks visually appealing and it’s something a woman could wear discreetly. However, I tend to have a problem with wristbands generally because I have very slim wrists and most bands are too big and become a nuisance because they don’t fit properly and you are forever trying to keep it on. Different sizes might be needed or something adjustable.
What is more important, visual aesthetics or functionality? Both, but the functionality shouldn’t be too complicated.

6. What are you already wearing on your wrist?

Why do you always wear this?
Perhaps a light, nothing that vibrates or makes a sound because you could be in a meeting or somewhere you are unable to respond.

8. How would you like to view your data and gain hints, tips and feedback technology wise?

9. Any additional elements that you would suggest?
I don’t think it is enough just to get the data later via email or online. I would somehow like to be alerted at the time that it would be a good idea to move about or choose to do an activity or tell me how long I’ve been sitting for. Reviewing what I was doing after the event will not fundamentally change the way I behave.

Do you think that it is noticeable?

7. How would you like to be alerted about inactivity?

Anna x

consumer Profile design example

Sarah x
Really Good Data Visualisation Page


Sunday, 27 November 2011

Target Consumer interview-male 35

Paul Elliott-35 Years old

1. Do you have any daily health or beauty regimes?
- Showering daily, brushing teeth twice daily  

Do you use any Dove Products?

2. Do you feel that keeping healthy is a concern or maybe an interest for you and your generation?
-  keeping fit and healthy should be a concern for every generation, levels of maintaining and monitoring health seem to grow with age

 If so how do you monitor your health and activity?
- attempts to eat and drink less and exercising more whenever possible

3. Would you be more likely to incorporate a health regime into your routine if there was some kind of incentive?
- Yes

What do you think the incentive should be?
- reduced price gym membership for trial period

4. If there were a wearable device which would naturally help you in the right direction towards activity, would you be interested and likely to invest? We were considering a price of around £30-40 included in a Dove gift set.
- Yes, depending on ratio of value of item to products

Why do you think that having this device would help you to be more active?
Would depend on the impact of the device

5. Showed example of how we want the device to look.
How do you feel about the visual aesthetics of the product?
-          The design lends itself to more of a younger market, personally I would prefer a smaller, flatter clasp

What is more important, visual aesthetics or functionality?
-. functionality

6. What are you already wearing on your wrist?
- a black rubber band that says “live wrong” on one side and a skull and crossbones on the other

Why do you always wear this?
-          Unobtrusive, subtle, washable

Do you think that it is noticeable?
-. slightly

7. How would you like to be alerted about inactivity?
- mild vibration

8. How would you like to view your data and gain hints, tips and feedback technology wise?
- Bluetooth transfer of data to pc, updates and tips via email newsletter,

9. Any additional elements that you would suggest?
Flatter wider clasp that could possibly be made to incorporate a usb / bluetooth connection to transfer user data / updates

The little things-Cheryl about Paul

Paul is thoughtful but quiet, he pauses too long before answering your questions which makes you think he's not listening. He's very individual and he'd be weird if he didnt have long hair. He bites his nails when were watching telly and he needs to learn to cook instead of doing the same things all the time. He can't save money but there are far more good things about him than bad.

I'm gonna video them saying these things at some point.


Interview with target Consumer

Cheryl Jones-44years old

1. Do you have any daily health or beauty regimes?
-Always use facial serum and eye bag cream, straighten my hair and take the tablets for my thyroid.

Do you use any Dove Products?
-Original role on deoderant and pro age bodyy wash

2. Do you feeel that keeping healthy is a concern or maybe an interest for you and your generation?
-Yes I think its a concern to my generation but more so for the up and coming generation who are more obese and less active. Even as children, we were always busy as kids outside.

If so how do you monitor your health and activity?
-moderate what I eat, sold my car and moved to a town so that I could walk more. I always use the stairs at work rather than the lift and go for a walk during my lunch break.

3. Would you be more likely to incorporate ahealth regime into your routine if there was some kind of incentive?
-Yes, or if we could incorporate it at work, we did a yoga class at work a few times and it was really good.

What do you think the incentive shoud be?
-The incentive should be that if you do so many classes, or so much activity, then you should get a class or activity free. Or you could get free products, perhaps dove products or points on a rewards card, like a nectar or boots card. Maybe even start a Dove card?

4. If ther were a wearable device which would naturally help you in the right direction towards activity, would you be interested and likely to invest? We were considering a price of around £30-40 included in a Dove gift set.
-Yes, this is a good price if you get it as a gift set, it would be best to market it around gift times of the year, for example mothers day and chrisdtmas or as a family set so that we could compare results.

Why do you think that having this device would help you to be more active?
Its a constant reminder,and if you can compare results your less likely to lose interest

5. Showed example of how we want the device to look.
How do you feel about the visual aesthetics of the product?
-I think its nice, you could keep it on all the time and its small enough not to become obtrusive,however some people might find the plaited leather too ethnic, for example, I can't imagine my Mum wearing it (she's 66) as she prefers more classic looking jewellery. I like the ethnic look though so i'd wear it.
Some kind of motif that changes colour could be incorporated into the desing as a subtle way of reminding you that you're being inactive(for example an evil eye or similiar design)

What is more important, visual aesthetics or functionality?
-Definitely functionality, I'd be really annoyed if I spent £30 on a bracelet and it didnt work properly. Theres no point in the bracelet unless it works effectively.

6. What are you already wearing on your wrist?
-My watch, I wear this every day but my accessories depend on the outfit i'm wearing.

Why do you always wear this?
-Its very comfy, very thin, doesn't get caught on things and its very sentimental to me. My partner bought it for me as a gift because he knows that I like marcacite jewellery.

Do you think that it is noticeable?
-Yes, I think that it is quite noticeable, its quite old fashioned looking, which I like and a lot of people do remark on it.

7. How would you like to be alerted about inactivity?
-A flashing light, perhaps a vibration as long as you could turn it of at night time because I wouldnt notice the flashing light at work. A change of colour would be good, simple red, yellow and green telling you how active you've been, everyone understands this and it would subtly remind you.

8. How would you like to view your data and gain hints, tips and feedback technology wise?
-On the internet, a tamagochi style game would be good, maybe a garden growing every time you gain more points for being active or a creature to look after which improves in health if you run up and down stairs for example. I would use it as an app on facebook, it would be good to compare your results with other people your age and local people as long as it was annonymous.
-I would be more likely to respond to a vibration or something at the time rather than a nudge via technology, for example a text or email as I dont check these until the end of the night.

9. Any additional elements that you would suggest?
Some kind of donation to charity every time you get a certain amount of points or reach a stage in a game due to your activity. Discounts on activities like the cinema or days out as a reward.
The product would be ideal if sold in two's so that you have someone to compare your results to. You could sell them as freinship or Mother, daughter sets.


Friday, 25 November 2011

Anna x
Focus Group Discussion Guide

No more than ten people
Always have a moderator
Similar to a verbal questionnaire
Usually last an hour and a half
Recorded via Dictaphone or video camera 
Ask the most difficult questions in the middle of the session

Introduction: meet and greet, brief description and housekeeping

Ask about a daily routine; what do they do regularly, see if their lifestyle matches the target consumer; spot similarities and frequent common denominators, both active and seditary.

Follow on with a question related to beauty and health regimes; whether there is a ritual and identify a potential for the product in the consumers lifestyle

In addition, ask if they feel that keeping healthy is a concern or maybe an interest to them (the target consumer) and their generation; if no, how do they go about incorporating it into their daily lives, and if not then why not? Would they be more inclined to incorporate it if they had an incentive; what would the incentive be?

If there was a wearable device that would naturally help you in the right direction of activity, is this something you would invest in? If yes, why do you think it would help?

Give the example of the device being wrist-worn and gauge the reaction of the group. How would they feel about the visibility of the product - obtrusive or accessible? Therefore would the demand be on the functionality or the aesthetic of the band?

Inquire what the group are already wearing on their wrist; is it a regular accessory and why they chose it. What does it feel  like to wear; size, materials, etc

Show the group some sample images of product prototypes or general wrist wear which may resemble elements of the device. Ask them to choose which one they like the most and gain most pleasure from wearing; if none, why? They may combine elements of all images to create the most desirable.

Ask the group to consider how they would like to be alerted about inactivity; what would fit most within their life? A subtle glow? A small vibration? A quiet beep? Ask them to discuss between them what they would most likely respond to.

Lead onto being alerted by technology; do members of the group use smart phones, computers, emails? Are they more likely to respond to a nudge which was technology-based? What technology do they use on a regular basis?

Allow time for the group to sum up thoughts and feelings about the proposed idea; are there any additional elements they would want the device to have? Would they go out and purchase the device for themselves or as a gift for others if it was available on the market?

Lois x

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Communication strategy

Strapline -
"Beautifully moving"

Concept - Being active in a creative way. Being the best you you can be. Appreciating the little things that make a difference. eg. recent nokia advert, 'The amazing everyday'. But in a more 'Dove style'


I am Expressive
I am the little things
I am diversity
I am vitality
I am celebration

I am Beautifully Moving

Each sentence will be beautifully and creatively captured. All ending with "I am beautifully moving"

The campaign will rely on viral marketing and word of mouth. Buzz being created by the teaser advertisements and online uploads of people doing things differently, in a moving, creative and active way. Eventually an advertisement will make everything known to the public along with maybe a series of flashmobs?? or maybe some sort of pop-up shop thing to encourage passers by to beautifully move in some way.

Media channels
- tv
- billboards
- viral

Anna x

App design

app design done

anna xx

Anna xx

Where are you page for App

Anna, Charlotte xx

Packaging idea

image of product to go on top

Sarah, Anna, Charlotte xx

App Page

Anna, Charlotte, Sarah xx

Web page

Anna, Charlotte, Sarah xx

App Front Page

Anna, Charlotte, Sarah xx