Focus Group Discussion Guide
No more than ten people
Always have a moderator
Similar to a verbal questionnaire
Usually last an hour and a half
Recorded via Dictaphone or video camera
Ask the most difficult questions in the middle of the session
Introduction: meet and greet, brief description and housekeeping
Ask about a daily routine; what do they do regularly, see if their lifestyle matches the target consumer; spot similarities and frequent common denominators, both active and seditary.
Follow on with a question related to beauty and health regimes; whether there is a ritual and identify a potential for the product in the consumers lifestyle
In addition, ask if they feel that keeping healthy is a concern or maybe an interest to them (the target consumer) and their generation; if no, how do they go about incorporating it into their daily lives, and if not then why not? Would they be more inclined to incorporate it if they had an incentive; what would the incentive be?
If there was a wearable device that would naturally help you in the right direction of activity, is this something you would invest in? If yes, why do you think it would help?
Give the example of the device being wrist-worn and gauge the reaction of the group. How would they feel about the visibility of the product - obtrusive or accessible? Therefore would the demand be on the functionality or the aesthetic of the band?
Inquire what the group are already wearing on their wrist; is it a regular accessory and why they chose it. What does it feel like to wear; size, materials, etc
Show the group some sample images of product prototypes or general wrist wear which may resemble elements of the device. Ask them to choose which one they like the most and gain most pleasure from wearing; if none, why? They may combine elements of all images to create the most desirable.
Ask the group to consider how they would like to be alerted about inactivity; what would fit most within their life? A subtle glow? A small vibration? A quiet beep? Ask them to discuss between them what they would most likely respond to.
Lead onto being alerted by technology; do members of the group use smart phones, computers, emails? Are they more likely to respond to a nudge which was technology-based? What technology do they use on a regular basis?
Allow time for the group to sum up thoughts and feelings about the proposed idea; are there any additional elements they would want the device to have? Would they go out and purchase the device for themselves or as a gift for others if it was available on the market?
Lois x
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