Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Gamification-Interacting wih our data as a game.

We were thinking of just having a really simple tamagochi style game but using a Glo worm.

The game will use the results from your Glo band and app in order o distinguish how healthy you glo wom is (the worm is effective you).

-It will monitor how active you have been on he bottom scale of 1-9 ( your worm will behave either actively or inactively as a result, skipping, jumping or sleeping/ lounging)
-How happy you are an show different smiley faces (your worm will also look happy/sad/bored etc)
-How healthy you are as a result of these two factors (your worm will have a healthy glow if you are healthy)

If you are really inactive, your worm will become very ill, you can only make him better by becoming more active (e.g. running up and down stairs or going for a walk).

Charlotte x

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